Window alt key codes
Window alt key codes

window alt key codes

For example, type “face” to filter all face related emojis. Since the list is very long, type the emoji name in search box to find relevant results.


You can also refer the complete list of alt key shortcuts for 650+ symbols for general symbols like check mark or download emoji shortcuts in a printable PDF format for offline reference. The complete emojis include 1000+ symbols, objects, food, animals, natural and travel categories. 0-15 The repeat count for the current message. lParam The repeat count, scan code, extended-key flag, context code, previous key-state flag, and transition-state flag, as shown following.


wParam The virtual-key code of the nonsystem key. Alt Code Shortcuts for Emojisīelow is the table of alt code shortcuts to insert emojis, smileys and emotions. A nonsystem key is a key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed. Do you know it is very easy to insert these emojis in Microsoft Office documents, emails and chats? Yes, it is simply possible using alt code shortcuts. Nowadays, it is very common to use emojis on Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype chats, Outlook emails and SMS messages. The latest version has 1300 emojis including wide variety of symbols other than smiley faces or emoticons. Unicode consortium, a non-profit organization defines the technical specification and releases new emojis to help all devices can support these beautiful characters. This is merely one of them.Emojis are graphical representation of symbols and human faces in a colorful text format. It’s simply a matter of learning a new skill set.Īs with most things in Windows, there are several different approaches to accomplishing a single task.


For Mac users, simply use the option key instead of the alt key.

window alt key codes

For those who have to use Fn key for typing the buttons, you will have to hold alt and Fn both while typing in the number. Once you release the key, the corresponding character will appear. And I find it’s faster, too, since my hands are already resting on my favorite input device. Press and hold the alt key while you type using the numeric pad in the numerical sequence. In fact, there is very little that can be done with a mouse that can’t be done with a keyboard. Below is the complete list of Windows ALT key numeric pad codes for geometric shape symbols, their corresponding HTML entity numeric character references and, when available, their corresponding HTML entity named character references. Of course, you need to know what those codes are in the first place. If you’ve memorized the code of your favorite special character, you can insert it in less than a second with the proper key presses. Personally, I don’t like jumping back and forth between the keyboard and mouse. This is where you press and hold the Alt key while typing a special character's numerical code on the numpad. In my case, I spend most of my time typing in an editor that doesn’t natively support those characters so ALT-codes are a handy feature.

window alt key codes

I must point out that it is seldom that a person needs these special characters and when they do, it’s really simple to type in a few characters when you’re already right there at the keyboard. You only would need a couple or three often-used ones. Truth is, it really isn’t necessary to remember all of them. Press and hold the ALT key, then type the numbers on the numeric keypad. I agree that it is difficult to remember all those codes. I think I mentioned that most quality word processors offer this feature.

Window alt key codes